Sunday 31 March 2013


Two Thin Braids
My little cousin Sienna has super thin hair and so it was super hard to braid. Her favourite colour is pink so she wanted heaps of hair accessories that where pink. This is what it looks like when you try to braid super thin hair....


Saturday 30 March 2013

Donut Bun Style

How to do a Donut Bun
Last year at Christmas, my sister bought me some hair accessories including the donut that made this Hair Do.
It is pretty easy to do and looks very nice. It helps if you have thin shoulder length hair and if it is wet it looks smoother.
All you have to do is put you hair in a pony tail and put the donut around it. Then smooth the hair over the bun and put a band around it. Then get even amounts of hair, twist them then wrap around the bun, pinning them down as you go. Do that until all the hair is up, add a clip-on accessory and there you have your bun!     

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Feeling Blue

 Feeling Blue

This was the second time 
I dyed my hair. When I 
colour my hair I only do a
section. Then the colour 
mixes through.

When I dyed my hair 
blue I only dyed the 
front two bits of my hair
and that has this effect 
of the streaky look 
going down the plait.
The next time I want to 
dye my hair the colour 

Saturday 21 July 2012

My inspirations

Here are some hair styles that i think would be very difficult to do but still think they are amazing hair styles 
 This hair style is called a bow 
and the one above is the waterfall braid.

 I am not sure what these two are called but they are amazing!
 I am also not sure what this one is called but it looks like a single braid turned into a plat and has been twisted around the braid in some sort of way to make it look beautiful.
This girls hair has been dyed many different colours at once and it makes this effect which looks awesome!
 I have done this hair style before but this version is a million times better than mine.

This is also a bow hair style like the one at the top of this post but a different kind of bow.This hair style is one of my favourites!!!
I have tried one of these on myself but i hope to try all of them one day!  

Blond stripes, Purple stripes

Hi it's Olive

I called this hair style "Blond stripes, Purple stripes".
I dyed my hair purple in 2011, it was the first time I dyed my hair two other colours which you will find out later.

The third time I dyed my hair I didn't find the time to photograph my hair so I cant show you any pictures of it.

The third colour was orange! 

2 braids,1 pony

Hi, I'm Olive and i love to do hair styles

I really want to be a hair dresser when I'm older.

I called this hair style "2 braids, 1 pony" as in pony tail.

I watched this movie were a lady tried out as many recipes as she could,
 I'm going to try out as many hair styles as i can and I'm going to try them all out on myself.
All the hair styles on my blog will be done by me and i will tell you if they are easy or hard to do!

I will also try to learn how to do a waterfall braid.